Getting started

MUGIC® User's Guide

Your comprehensive guide to mastering MUGIC®. Discover setup instructions, advanced tips, and troubleshooting advice to unlock the full potential of your MUGIC® sensor. Please read carefully!

Download MUGIC® User's Guide

Topography of MUGIC™

USB connector: We recommend to charge MUGIC™ before use (this will take approximately 1 hour). MUGIC™ will immediately begin charging when plugged into a USB power source supplying 5V with at least 500mA. The device requires at least 5 minutes of charging before being able to be powered on, if the power is critically low

Power Switch: Move up to turn ON (away from the USB connector), move down to turn OFF.

Reset Button: When pressed, MUGIC™ will reset to factory defaults.

Mode Button: When pressed, MUGIC™ will switch between WIFI mode (default) and USBmode. If you see the LED 3 in (Blue) blinks every 1 second, WIFI is active.

LED 1: Red light indicates that the device is charging when connected to USB.

LED 2: Green/Orange/Red indicates the status of the battery(Green:80+% power remaining, Orange: more than 40%, and Red: less than 40%) (Blinking red: less than 10% power remaining)

LED 3: Blue light blinking every 1 second means MUGIC™ is transmitting data over WIFI.While establishing the WIFI network, the blue light will blink as twice as fast.

1. Download Silicon Labs Driver

First, go to Silicon Labs site, and download and install the USB driver, CP210x USB toUART Bridge VCP Drivers (there are both Windows and Mac drivers here)

2. Quick Start Guide

Network Name and Password: Every MUGIC™ comes with its own unique 6-digits numbers. Turn the power on; MUGIC™ will automatically start in WIFI mode. The blue light(LED 3) will blink fast, then slows down to blinking every 1 second, which means MUGIC™ successfully created a WIFI network. Find:

  • Network Name: The default network name is “MugicConnectXXXXXX” (‘XXXXXX’means 6 digits. For example, it will look like “MugicConnect123876”). Join the network.
  • Password: Enter the default password “mugicXXXXXX” (case sensitive, followed by the 6 digits in the network name. Using the above example, the password would bemugic123876.)

Troubleshooting: If the WIFI network name doesn’t show up in your computer WIFI, turn your WIFI off, wait for 15+ seconds and turn back on. It should usually come up immediately, but it might take a few tries and eventually, it should show up.

3. Shake it all about

Before use, it is helpful to shake MUGIC™ for a few seconds; this is for sensor’s calibration purposes. Shake them mimicking the movements of cocktail shakers, with quite fast motions. Try to also shake in different directions, twisting your wrist. Just a few seconds is enough.

  • Warning: Please be careful not to throw or drop MUGIC™! The resin casing is fragile and can easily crack if you drop onto a hard surface.

4. Download Max Patches and Ableton Live

Download Max patches / Ableton LIVE set demos to use the data sent by MUGIC™. Max users, open MUGIC_Connect.proj first, and have it open for the duration of your work with MUGIC™. Also Download the MUGIC starter. 

MUGIC_Connect_1.5.0 - Installation

Download MUGIC® Starter
Download MUGIC_Connect_1.5.0
Max Users - Download Instructions
  1. Download Max.

  2. Run Max in ROSETTA MODE

  3. Go to your Document folder, locate Max 8 folder, locate (or create) a new folder named "Project" and put this MUGIC_Connect_1.5.0 and MUGIC_Starter. Then unzip.

  4. In Max, go to File > Show Package Manager > Install CNMAT External Package

  5. Then open a file named MUGIC_Connect_1.5.0.maxproj. and MUGIC® Starter.

Ableton Users - Download Instructions
  • You will need Max for LIVE capability (LIVE suite).  If you get an error about OSC-route, OpenSoundControl not loading,  please download CNMAT pack from the package manager in Max.
  • Ableton and Max will both need to open in Rosetta mode.
  • Added: M1 compatible for USB mode, 3rd track with "Max_starter" .amxd added for those who want to build M4L from scratch
  • IMPORTANT: Put this MugicLiveDemo Project-1 into [User]/Music/Ableton/User Library folder, so all the dependencies will load.
Ableton -MugicLive Demo_2022 Project

5. Upload MUGIC® App Firmware (optional)

MUGIC® comes with the most current firmware already installed at the time of your purchase.

  1. To upload this firmware, in the MUGIC® tab, under To Connect Your MUGIC® Device, and for the Serial Port dropdown, select /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART (which you installed in step 1).

  2. Next, head over to the Upload tab, and click the green Upload Firmware button.  

  3. Turn your MUGIC® off, wait 15 seconds, and turn it back on again. If you are using a USB, please also disconnect and reconnect.  

Troubleshooting: If it doesn't work, try turning it off and back on again. If your power is low, due to USB connectivity issues, it's more likely to fail. Please charge your MUGIC® before trying again.

6. Install 1.5. Bin

New Firmware update: This version lets one MUGIC to connect to multiple computers.  

Download 1.5. bin
  1. Download Mugic Firmware 1.5 bin, and (if you don’t have it already, link above)

  2. Turn the MUGIC power on and connect MUGIC to the computer via a USB cable.

    Open and select the MUGIC@ banner at the top.

    Scroll to “dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART.” The blue light should be flashing. If it's not flashing and you see a dim solid blue light, it’s in an ‘unhappy state.’ Try repeating the process a bit slower. Once the blue light is flashing, click the "Upload" banner at the top. Then click “Choose File” and select "MugicFirmware-1.5.bin.”

    Click the green “Upload Firmware” button. The upload should progress to 100%, ending with a ‘done!’ prompt.

  3. Connect to your MUGIC sensor via wifi which will show up in your network.  Once you are connected, open a browser and type: last digit is the number of computers you can connect with one MUGIC.  So if you want to connect to 4 computers, it would be:


When you unzip this file for the first time, you might encounter an error message stating "mugic-app-1-3-0” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified." To proceed, control+click on the app, and you may see a prompt saying "macOS cannot verify the developer of 'mugic-app-1-3-0'. Are you sure you want to open it?"

Then download the 1.5 bin and follow the instructions above.

MUGIC App 1.3.0 - macOS-Installation

The current version of Windows is 1.3.0. Please also download the 1.5 bin and follow theinstructions above

Windows Version 1.3.0

7. Congratulations, you're done! Now start creating in Max & Ableton!

You did it! Thanks for sticking with us throughout this process! Now get out there and start creating MUGIC in Max & Ableton!

If you have any additional questions, please contact us at